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Error Messages

Oh My Prvd attaches an error ID with every console log message. This is used to uniquely identify what kind of error or message you're seeing.

For example, given the message below, the error ID would be usedBeforeIgnition.

[ohmyprvd error(usedBeforeIgnition)]: cannot use provider "MyProvider" prior to ignition

Use the search box below to paste in or type an error ID, and it will scroll to the details for you.


cannot ignite more than once

Thrown by: prvd.ignite

You attempted to reignite Oh My Prvd when it has already been ignited.


cannot register provider; `MyProvider.init` should be a function

Thrown by: prvd.Provider,

You attempted to register a new provider, but Oh My Prvd caught something wrong. The error includes a more specific message which can be used to diagnose the issue. Typically it is one of the following:

  • A provider of the same name was already registered
  • You have frozen the provider table, which prevents dependency injection
  • You provided a mismatched type for a built-in method/property
  • You forgot to include a non-empty string as a name


`use()` must be given a provider

Thrown by: prvd.use

You attempted to use() an object that was not registered as a provider.


Thrown by: prvd.ignite

cannot initialize MyProvider; attempted to index nil with 'property'

Oh My Prvd could not finish its initialization lifecycle as a provider threw an error in it's :init method. The error includes a more specific message which can be used to diagnose the issue.


Thrown by: prvd.loadChildren, prvd.loadDescendants

loadX must be given an instance

loadChildren and loadDescendants expected you to give it a parent instance to load from, but you gave it something else.


`onIgnition` must be given callbacks

Thrown by: prvd.onIgnition

onIgnition expected you to give it a callback to spawn after ignition finishes, but you gave it something else.


cannot register providers after ignition

Thrown by: prvd.Provider,

You attempted to register a provider after ignition.

Make sure you've preloaded all providers you will use prior to ignition, and that no other module registers a provider after ignition.


cannot require ServerScriptService.Providers.MyProvider; Module code did not return exactly one value

Thrown by: prvd.loadChildren, prvd.loadDescendants

loadChildren and loadDescendants loaded a module which threw an error that Oh My Prvd cannot handle. The error includes a more specific message which can be used to diagnose the issue.


cannot use `:render` lifecycle from the server

Thrown by: prvd.Provider,

You included a :render lifecycle method in one of your providers on the server. This is undesirable as the server cannot access RunService.RenderStepped.


unknown error: attempt to call a nil value
help: this indicates oh my prvd isn't reporting errors correctly, please file an issue

Oh My Prvd ran into an error, but cannot associate it with an error message. This is a fallback error type which shouldn't be seen by end users, because it indicates that Oh My Prvd is not reporting errors correctly.

Note on Oh My Prvd's alpha release

Oh My Prvd may have reported an error message that has not been registered yet. If the message just uses camelCase and reads as a lint error, it's a missing error message and should be reported as an issue.


cannot use other providers after ignition

Thrown by: prvd.use

You tried to use() another provider after ignition started.

Make sure every provider explicitly use()s all providers it needs. This lets Oh My Prvd figure out a corresponding load order.


cannot use provider "MyProvider" prior to ignition
help: ohmyprvd will inject the dependency for you during runtime, its safe to use the provider inside a lifecycle method

You tried to access the contents of a use()d provider prior to ignition.

Oh My Prvd will inject the dependency for you when ignited and figure out a corresponding load order. Make sure when you use another provider, you're using it from a lifecycle method.