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Oh My Prvd is broken down into functional packages, which you will need to import into your game. This page will walk you through installing a package.


Install via Roblox

If you edit directly inside Roblox Studio, then you can import a Roblox model file containing Oh My Prvd.

  1. Head over to Oh My Prvd's "Releases" page.
  2. Find the package you will install, if you are just following the tutorials, you can install the ohmyprvd core package.
  3. Click the "Assets" dropdown to view the downloadable files: Releases
  4. Click on the package you would like to import, which should end in .rbxm: Releases
  5. Open Roblox Studio to import the model. If you are just following the tutorials, just an empty baseplate will do.
  6. Right-click on ReplicatedStorage, and select "Insert from File": Insert from File
  7. You should see an ohmyprvd module script appear in ReplicatedStorage!

Install via a Package Manager

If you use Wally for Luau or NPM for TypeScript, Oh My Prvd has packages for both package managers.

  1. Head over to one of these packages you will import:

  2. Copy the metadata below "Install", and append it below [dependencies] in your wally.toml:


    It will look something as such, with ohmyprvd renamed to prvd for brevity:

      prvd = "znotfireman/ohmyprvd@0.1.1-alpha"
  3. Then, install your packages:

    $ wally install

    This will install Oh My Prvd under the Packages directory, which is usually located in ReplicatedStorage:

    local prvd = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.prvd)
  4. If you'd want the linker modules to also export types, you can use the Wally Package Types tool:

    $ wally-package-types --sourcemap sourcemap.json Packages/
  1. Head over to one of these packages you will import:

  2. Copy the command below "Install", and run it on a terminal:


  3. This will install Oh My Prvd under node_modules, which can be imported directly:

    import ohmyprvd from "@rbxts/ohmyprvd"

Install via Source

If you are synchronizing external files into Roblox Studio, Oh My Prvd can be imported as source code.

  1. Head over to Oh My Prvd's 'Releases' page.
  2. Click the "Assets" dropdown to view the downloadable files: Releases
  3. Under "Assets", download Source code (zip). Inside is a copy of the Oh My Prvd GitHub repository.: Releases
  4. Inside the zip, open packages, then the package you'd like to import, and copy it's lib folder; it may be inside another folder.
  5. Create a new folder inside your project named "ohmyprvd", place it wherever you keep your libraries.
  6. For example, you might paste it inside a shared or a packages folder.
  7. Paste the contents of the lib folder into the newly created folder.


Now, you can create a script for testing:

  1. Create a Script under ServerScriptService.
  2. Remove the following code, and paste this in depending on your installation:

    local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
    local prvd = require(ReplicatedStorage.ohmyprvd)
    local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
    local prvd = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.ohmyprvd)
    import ohmyprvd from "@rbxts/ohmyprvd"
    local prvd = require("@pkg/ohmyprvd")
  3. Playtest your game - if there are no errors, everything was set up correctly!

My script didn't work!

ohmyprvd is not a valid member of ReplicatedStorage "ReplicatedStorage"
If you're seeing this error, then your script can't find Oh My Prvd.

This code assumes you've placed Oh My Prvd under ReplicatedStorage. If you've installed both elsewhere, you'll need to the require() to point towards the correct location.

If both looks like it points to the correct location, refer back to the previous section and double-check you've set everything up properly. Make sure under ReplicatedStorage, there's a ModuleScript named ohmyprvd.